Long time no see - but we’re back with a huge update package! What’s new in Deepsolver? Multitable GTO Trainer, Multi-Street Tree Builder, Loop feature, and many more improvements. Let’s take an in-depth look at them down below!
Master your poker strategy training with new Deepsolver features
Guided by the thought of an even more user-friendly and efficient poker strategy training process, we have implemented a few major changes in the app. Greater accuracy, simplified analysis, smoother calculation, complete control over decision trees, etc. - we introduce you to Deepsolver’s March Update.
- Multitable GTO Trainer
To give you a better user experience, we have decided to upgrade our GTO Trainer, so now you can take a seat at up to 4 tables. It’s much faster and more efficient than before. You can choose between two different modes:
- “Challenge” - up to 4 tables, fast-paced environment that simulates a real online poker session, perfect to test your skills or as a part of your warm-up routine;
- “Educational” - 1 table, good choice for an in-depth learning experience with the assistance of many helpful tips;

You may not only customize your online poker strategy training - but we also made it possible for you to practice an interesting spot if one came up in your GTO Trainer session. “Loop” allows you to replay that specific situation - board, street, node, or even just the decision with no delays. Master the particular scenario by breezing through hundreds of hands instantly.
- Simplify
A unique answer for rare bets is here. “Simplify” recalculates the sim just by pressing a single button and provides you with an optimal strategy excluding low-frequency actions. No more need to manually delete uncommon sizings yourself - just set the upper threshold of bets and click “Simplify”. Simple as that.

- Multi-Street Tree Builder
Multi-Street Tree Builder enables users to choose separate bet sizings for each street (flop/turn/river). That saves your time and effort with tree building and allows you to have full control over the decision tree. Prefer fixed sizings for each street? Click "apply to all".

Improvements and bugfixes
We have listened to your feedback and we delivered what you really expect from poker strategy training with Deepsolver. Besides new functionalities and a few bug fixes, we have additionally improved:
- Engine accuracy;
- Cloud function;
- Display of mistakes and blunders through EV loss (how much EV was lost compared to best decision);
- Speed of solutions - they should load faster;
- Payment method - from now on Deepsolver is open to cryptocurrencies;
- Auto-naming solutions - finding a sim you made is more than easy, as they are automatically labeled by their position, board, SPR, etc.;
- Display of bets and raises - they can now be set as percentages in “Preferences”;
- Pre-flop ranges calculations - we removed ranges, which were extremely low in frequency.
We hope that you enjoy our March Update! Any feedback, questions, or other issues? Contact us: support@deepsolver.com.
Check out our previous updates and see how much we have improved since: